Hello everyone! As teased, here's what we have planned for this month to come:
- 2 to 3 new characters and 2 new creatures to be added in the lore with art.
- A new focus on worldbuild website organisation to help people navigate better in WorldAnvil and read about the content done already.
- About 10 articles are gonna be expanded/polished for a better reading experience.
- Expansion of the lore for the Pelagos Island, Man'gaihi. This setting will be critical in our future dev projects.
- Pre-production of a teaser video showcasing the world of Manarchy, to help get our vision easier to grasp for all fans.
- A NEW DEV STREAM ! Starting this Saturday, we will start a weekly stream with either pixel art for our game prototype, worldbuilding articles, or any other project-related stuff. We hope it will become a regular thing and help production go smoother. Links will be provided once ready.
Also, we are planning to reopen our 'Manarchy is Hiring' process either by the middle or end of the month. Stay tuned if you or your friends are looking for any opportunities to help us give a visual to our world. We are expecting to look for environment artists, but all styles are welcome to send their portfolio/comm sheet !
We wish you a good week and are glad you are following us. We hope the new content will keep us even more intrigued!