Some progress on the game demo planned to release for free on NG and in 2021.
So far we have a functionnal character with health (and placeholder UI) with various controls such as move/idle/crouch/jump/parry/heavy hit/light hit (and 1 combo).
the character can be damaged but not die yet.
We have a functional that can flip/aggro/attack/cooldown after attack/die.
Most of the time this week was spent on connecting well the anims associated to specific inputs/reactions, polish the flow of the combo a little and overall code corrections.
Next, we plan to make the hit character animation behave better, have knockback when the character is hit, the details on the enemy death animation.
We'd like to have an arena and test the game controls as much as possible for functionnal behaviour in combat before developping level design and environment around.
stay tuned for more.